1. All students (Form 1 to Form 6) are encouraged to attempt the questions.
2. The representatives for the school to OMK will be based on:
...a. attempted solutions at home (with aids from parents)
...b. an 3 hours competition set (should there be more representatives shortlisted)
3. More information about OMK (Olympaid Matematik Kebangsaan) is available at the LINK.
4. Click the image to obtain its original size.
5. You may "Right click" the image and "open link in new tab" to obtain a larger image.
6. To print the questions,
i. right click the image and 'save image as'
ii. the image is likely to has been saved in 'download' file
iii. open it with "paint" and 'INVERT THE COLOR'.
7. Attempted solutions of the above question must be submitted to Mr Henry Tan through your Maths teacher before 12.00 noon 27 March 2012.
8. More questions will be given in the page "QNS FOR March 2012" and "QNS FOR APR 2012".